Playground Guide - 2016 - 4
Greenfields Outdoor Fitness
n a long, linear exercise apparatus at a Miami park,
a father challenges himself on a pull-up bar while
his two young children count his reps. Nearby,
under the sprawling shade of an ancient-looking tree, two
young women stretch together on another unit, while an older man tries out a ski machine. A veteran in a wheelchair
enjoys a chest press, designed for him to use without having
to transfer.
People of all ages coming together and getting fit in parks
- the sight is increasingly familiar across the United States,
and Tropical Park in Miami is one of the latest to benefit.
A joint venture of four entities - TD Bank, the Trust for
Public Land, Greenfields Outdoor Fitness and Miami-Dade
County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces - the Tropical
Park gym includes a four-person leg press, two-person vertical press, accessible butterfly combo, and much more. Greenfields' new seven-person linear combo, a unique static unit
including many challenging exercises as well as an accessible
hand cycle, rounds out the selection of 15 units that accommodate an astounding 39 people. Strikingly designed, the new
gym's exercise units are arranged on a concrete pad encircling
an aged tree, which provided a ready-made shade source.
Adrian Benepe, senior vice president and director of city
park development for the Trust for Public Land, attests to
the value of Fitness Zones for addressing a critical need in
the United States. " Fitness zones are part of the antidote to
the public health crisis. A study has been done by the Rand
Corporation that shows that the cost per energy unit burned
in a Fitness Zone is by far the cheapest of any intervention
Parks & Recreation
you can do for fitness and health in a park. We think they are
a tremendous investment. "
A thoughtfully selected group of exercise units, including machines from Greenfields' Core, Signature Accessible,
and Boot Camp Combo lines, combine to create an outdoor
gym in which almost every park user has something suited
to his or her needs. Whatever the activity - be it cardio,
muscle building, stretching, flexibility or range-of-motion -
the Tropical Park Fitness Zone has it all. What's more, the
relaxed outdoor environment draws those who might be intimidated by the indoor gym setting. For these reasons, the
Fitness Zones are popular with a wide range of ages and
often enjoy use by multiple generations of family members
Jack Kardys, director of Miami-Dade Parks, Recreation
and Open Spaces Department, has seen more than two dozen Fitness Zones installed in the county's parks. " These fitness zones are spectacular. It's just like a gym, " he says. " All
you need to do is do enough repetitions and you will get as
good a workout as you get in any gymnasium. "
Multigenerational, accessible and, best of all, FREE to all
comers, Tropical Park's new Fitness Zone will help those of
nearly all ages pursue healthier lifestyles for years to come.
| 2 0 1 6 P L AYG R O U N D G U I D E | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G
Playground Guide - 2016
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Playground Guide - 2016
Playground Guide - 2016 - 1
Playground Guide - 2016 - 2
Playground Guide - 2016 - 3
Playground Guide - 2016 - 4
Playground Guide - 2016 - 5
Playground Guide - 2016 - 6
Playground Guide - 2016 - 7
Playground Guide - 2016 - 8
Playground Guide - 2016 - 9
Playground Guide - 2016 - 10
Playground Guide - 2016 - 11
Playground Guide - 2016 - 12
Playground Guide - 2016 - 13
Playground Guide - 2016 - 14
Playground Guide - 2016 - 15
Playground Guide - 2016 - 16
Playground Guide - 2016 - 17
Playground Guide - 2016 - 18
Playground Guide - 2016 - 19
Playground Guide - 2016 - 20
Playground Guide - 2016 - 21
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