contents features 8 There Is Value in Professional Certification for Playground Inspectors Examining the doctoral research of a driven CPSI candidate shows mounting evidence of the value of professional certification Kenneth S. Kutska, CPSI 12 Skateparks: An Adaptive Reuse Solution As skateboarding enjoys increased popularity, park and recreation agencies should seize the opportunity to include this valuable amenity Mike McIntyre and Kanten Russell 18 Increasing Playability and Encouraging Movement The Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department is exploring new ways to get kids up and active Lief Fitzpatrick 6 Parks & Recreation | 2 0 1 6 P L AYG R O U N D G U I D E | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G company profiles 2 Greenfields Outdoor Fitness 4 Burke Playgrounds 7 Landscape Structures 11 Cre8Play 14 Cemer Playground & Fitness 17 Cemrock 21 Playworld C3 GameTime