contents features 8 Sensory Development Playgrounds for Parks, Schools It's important to remember how colors, textures and shapes are all part of early learning education. Angela Grego 9 Application of Current Standards to Natural Playgrounds Whether equipment is designed, purchased or installed, there are very important factors that must be considered. Jeff Barber, CPSI 12 Playground Safety: A Shared Responsibility Innovative equipment design and manufacturing techniques have led to creative play opportunities as well as safety issue. Kenneth S. Kutska 28 Creating a Better Playground Experience for Children The right kind of free play can present an environment that entices children to make their own choice and play longer. Rob Lockhart, CCPI, CPSI company profiles 1 Landscape Structures 2 Greenfields Outdoor Fitness 6 Cre8Play 10 National Joint Powers Alliance 18 Miracle 20 Burke 22 Little Tikes 24 Shade Systems 26 Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds C3 Playworld $PWFS1IPUP5IFOFX JODMVTJWF%FTUJOBUJPO1MBZHSPVOEBU %FFQ$SFFL1BSLJO$IFTBQFBLF 7JSHJOJB1IPUPDPVSUFTZ PGUIF$JUZPG$IFTBQFBLF1BSLT 3FDSFBUJPOBOE5PVSJTN SEPTEMBER 26-28, 2017 | NEW ORLEANS REGISTRATION NOW OPEN WWW.NRPA.ORG/CONFERENCE 4 Parks & Recreation | 2 0 1 7 P L AYG R O U N D G U I D E | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R Ghttp://WWW.NRPA.ORG/CONFERENCE