Playground Guide - 2020 - 12

A wave of questions centered
on outdoor spaces ensued.
Was playing outside safe?
Could families go to a park?
Could people walk on the trails?
Were playgrounds safe?
Closing recreational facilities,
parks, trails and playgrounds goes
against the grain and passion of
every park and recreational professional. Denying services, turning off
lights and fencing off play spaces are
not our purpose - not ever. However, the governor's orders, city restrictions and guidance from the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) became the order of the day.
For Bismarck Parks and Recreation District (BPRD) in Bismarck,
North Dakota, being ordered by
Governor Doug Burgum to close
indoor spaces, like fitness centers
and community centers, was unsettling to the staff. However, we

respected his executive orders and
closed our indoor facilities.
A wave of questions centered on
outdoor spaces ensued. Was playing outside safe? Could families go
to a park? Could people walk on the
trails? Were playgrounds safe?
From the very start, Governor
Burgum focused on the value of
outdoor recreation and its impact
on North Dakotans' physical and
mental health. School was canceled,
businesses closed, families were navigating distance learning, unemployment checks and payroll assistance
checks were sought out - but amid
all the chaos, people could still go
outside. Outdoor opportunities became even more essential. The governor reminded all residents to focus
on facts, not fear.
BPRD made the decision to keep
parks, trails, sports complexes, fishing ramps and playgrounds open.
Communication, especially in uncertain times, remains key. We shared
news that outdoor spaces were open
on the BPRD website and on all
social media platforms. Staff were
trained on safe practices and ways to
answer citizens' inquiries.
Within days, signs were placed at
every sports complex and playground
throughout the district with tips on
staying safe, being physically distanced, wiping down equipment with
sanitary wipes and using hand sanitizer when finished. BPRD focused on
personal accountability and decision
making. Playgrounds were open.

A sign displaying COVID-19 playground safety tips is posted at
a playground in Sertoma Park.


Parks & Recreation

| 2 0 2 0 P L AYG R O U N D G U I D E | PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G

Playgrounds Are More
Important than Ever
In Bismarck, playgrounds have historically rated as one of the toprequested park features on all public input surveys. That data, however, was gathered in a pre-pandemic
era. Today, the importance and
benefits of outdoor play spaces is
even more critical. The pandemic
made parks and playgrounds a safe
place for wellness.
The list of playground benefits got
longer, as a result of the coronavirus
(COVID-19) pandemic. A healthy, active body has more immunity. Play
and physical activity can potentially
relieve stress and anxiety for children
and their caregivers. Being outdoors
and playing safely could provide
some welcome relief from the kitchen table/school desk. Time outdoors
is a natural mood booster and mental health tonic that can be enjoyed
by children of all ages and abilities.
Playgrounds became a new tool
for community discovery. People
wandered a bit further from their
neighborhood park to find playgrounds they hadn't visited before.
There were plenty of options, as
BPRD oversees 52 playgrounds
in 60 parks. There are a variety of
playgrounds with special amenities, including ramps, musical play
panels, sensory input panels and
sand-and-water features that are
accessible to all.
BPRD uses themes in playground
design to promote longer play times


Playground Guide - 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Playground Guide - 2020

Playground Guide - 2020 - 1
Playground Guide - 2020 - 2
Playground Guide - 2020 - 3
Playground Guide - 2020 - 4
Playground Guide - 2020 - 5
Playground Guide - 2020 - 6
Playground Guide - 2020 - 7
Playground Guide - 2020 - 8
Playground Guide - 2020 - 9
Playground Guide - 2020 - 10
Playground Guide - 2020 - 11
Playground Guide - 2020 - 12
Playground Guide - 2020 - 13
Playground Guide - 2020 - 14
Playground Guide - 2020 - 15
Playground Guide - 2020 - 16
Playground Guide - 2020 - 17
Playground Guide - 2020 - 18
Playground Guide - 2020 - 19
Playground Guide - 2020 - 20
Playground Guide - 2020 - 21
Playground Guide - 2020 - 22
Playground Guide - 2020 - 23
Playground Guide - 2020 - 24
Playground Guide - 2020 - 25
Playground Guide - 2020 - 26
Playground Guide - 2020 - 27
Playground Guide - 2020 - 28