contents april 2016 volume 51 | number 4 | COVER STORY 48 Introducing California's Newest National Monuments Three national monuments rise in the California desert Paula Jacoby-Garrett FEATURES 52 Parks Saving the Monarch Parks are critical partners in the nationwide effort to restore habitat and increase the population of this beloved insect Richard J. Dolesh 58 Doubling Down on Water and Energy Conservation The Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks aims to safeguard the environment Amy A. Garcia 2 Parks & Recreation | A P R I L 2 0 1 6 | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G 62 Citizen Science Programs Building confidence and stewardship in the outdoors using citizen science and research program techniques Greg Kearns, Melinda Fegler and Michelle Schreiber 66 California Coastal Access and Climate Justice for All California's coastline must be preserved as a public resource accessible to all Robert García, Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš and Amy Trainer