©Myles Mellor Parks & Recreation Crossword Across 1 Kids love to do this in parks 3 It's been found as a key element in children's ability to learn 7 Fairness in playing a game 11 House member, abbr. 12 Gala 13 Place to stay overnight 14 Pond problems 16 Space alien in film 17 Fleur de __ 19 Innovative 22 Tennessee Department of the Environment and Conservation program, ___ ___ With Us 25 Soul singer Corinne Bailey ___ 27 French for the 28 2018 Parks Build Community Project in Indianapolis 31 Future program 32 Zodiac sign 33 Legislator in D.C. 34 Small lizard 36 Seasons 38 Strengthen and improve the survival of, long term 39 A path set aside for walking Down 1 Boundless enthusiasm 2 It's the start for an oak tree 3 Artists' stands 4 Org. concerned with protecting the environment 5 It's known to be " king " 6 Park equipment for kids 8 Hiker's path 9 Auto's green stat. 10 Cooking equipment 15 Boundary 17 U.S. Green Building Council rating system 18 Broad subject relating to health 20 Words between " 'man " and " mouse " 21 Transport vehicle 23 Vintage 24 Negative prefix 26 First digit to try the water 28 Park messages 29 Plant life 30 Mountain ash 31 Dog or cat 33 ___dragon flower 35 Data storage devices 37 ___ Locks (Sault Sainte Marie Canals) Check the answers to the crossword at www.nrpa.org/crossword. As an added bonus for completing the crossword, you can enter a drawing to receive a $25 Home Depot gift card. The winner will be randomly selected and notified April 30, 2018. 66 Parks & Recreation | A P R I L 2 0 1 8 | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G