A True Hybrid Drive System Organic Garden Spray The Toro® Reelmaster® 5010-H offers a true hybrid drive system. Toro's exclusive PowerMatch™ technology seamlessly delivers power the operator needs - when and where he or she needs it - for flawless conditions. The Reelmaster 5010-H can deliver more than 40 horsepower on-demand for climbing steep hills, verticutting and scalping or to support other peak-load situations. In addition to power and performance, the PowerMatch system delivers measurable bottom-line savings. TORO, WWW.TORO.COM Arborjet Inc.'s Eco-1 Garden Spray is now OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) Listed® and certified for use in organic operations under the USDA National Organic Program. Eco1 Garden Spray is a botanical blend of thyme and peppermint oils mixed with flaxseed oil, creating a unique emulsion that offers up to 15 times more active ingredients for highly effective control. Formulated with EPA Minimum Risk active ingredients allowed for use on food crops, Eco-1 Garden Spray is non-toxic to people and pets and is ideal for organic growing - even on edibles that will be harvested the same day. ARBORJET, WWW.ARBORJET.COM park essentials Delivering the best value in FITNESS EQUIPMENT Discover the most durable & efficient family of cardio STRENGTH equipment Sales | Installation | Service 800.269.7130 CARDIO BrigadoonFitness.com Info@BrigadoonFitness.com ACCESSORIES Fire & EMS I Police I Governmental Employee Fitness Centers I Parks & Recreation Centers I Military W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G | A P R I L 2 0 1 8 | I GSA Parks & Recreation 73