Community Center Hot Topics It's been a busy month of robust discussions on NRPA Connect. Want to see what your colleagues are talking about? Visit the only professional networking platform dedicated to keeping you up-to-date on the latest hot topics and newest trends in parks and recreation. 1 Senior programs for recreation centers: What are the latest trends related to serving seniors in your recreation centers? Your colleagues share innovative ideas about how they are engaging patrons 55 and older in their communities. Community garden ideas: Have you considered designing a community garden? Visit this discussion to learn the challenges your colleagues have faced and the positive outcomes many experienced. 2 14 Parks & Recreation | F E B R UA R Y 2 0 1 6 | W W W. N R PA . O R G 3 Vinyl wraps for fleet vehicles: Participants in this thread share their thoughts on purchasing vinyl wraps for their fleet of maintenance vehicles. Some even turned this idea into a contest for their community, with the winning artwork displayed on vehicles. 90th anniversary ideas: Has your agency reached a milestone anniversary that you want to celebrate? Whether it's your 10th, 30th or 90th, commemorating this special occasion is a great opportunity to engage your community members and encourage them to visit and learn about your facilities or parks and all they have to offer. Trails along canal banks: Looking for examples of using canal banks as cycling, walking and jogging paths? Park and rec professionals share information about projects they are working on and completed examples that have inspired them. Have a question or idea you would like to share? Visit to get started. - Hayley Herzig, NRPA's Membership Programs Manager 4 5