PA R T N E R S H I P S Directly related to the idea of communication, both agency and foundation leaders emphasize the importance of building strong interpersonal relationships across organizational boundaries. jority of agency leaders also note that the ability to communicate (verbally and through writing) and listen is a key skill for them and their peers. Build relationships. Directly related to the idea of communication, both agency and foundation leaders emphasize the importance of building strong interpersonal relationships across organizational boundaries. Several leaders note that having a close connection with the leadership at their partner organization has been a critical factor in the success of the agency-foundation relationship. Conversely, hostile relationships between the organizations' leadership often undermine these partnerships (and the goals of both entities). Healthy relationships must go beyond just an agency's and foundation's leader. Building a culture where the staff at both organizations are able to work together in a cordial, professional and productive fashion is just as necessary. Strong organizational ties have the bonus of sustainability: a robust organizational relationship is likely to outlive the retirement of one or more key figures. Formalize ties. A common feature of many highly successful agency-foundation partnerships is a formalized agreement Park and recreation leaders should leverage the flexibility of nonprofit foundations by working with them to envision creative strategies that address outstanding issues. 42 Parks & Recreation | N OV E M B E R 2 02 0 | PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N .O R G or memorandum of understanding (MOU). An MOU between an agency and its foundation establishes clear roles and responsibilities for both partners, encouraging close collaboration and alignment on funding priorities. Survey respondents noted each of these characteristics as essential features of the agencyfoundation relationship. A more formalized agreement also can help avoid many of the potential pitfalls of agencyfoundation relationships. Leaders point out that an MOU can help mitigate the risk of conflicts about funding priorities, reduce confusion over the proper process for a project or decrease the number of missed opportunities in the community. Engage with the community. Successful agency-foundation relationships benefit from an