park essentials s ice e Pr st rvic ers e e w Lo eat S stom Gr c Cu rrifi Te Recycled site furnishings * park signs Bright Idea Shops, LLC Akron, Ohio 800-886-8990 fax 330-258-0167 SOLID. SIMPLE. AFFORDABLE. FAST. NiceRink® on turf RINKS THAT PAY FOR THEMSELVES IN TIME SAVED. Install on fields, courts, ponds and asphalt. NRPA20 Fill with one flood. Simple to maintain. NiceRink® on a court Engineered components to reuse year after year. North American made. 888-NICERINK | RINK PROFESSIONALS SINCE 1991 54 Parks & Recreation | N OV E M B E R 2 02 0 | PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N .O R G