The Case for Advertising in Interactive Digital Magazines - (Page 4)

this study is important Why 30% 40% 50% RIGhT NOW 0% 10% 20% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% and they have been busy creating the next generation of digital magazines in anticipation. We call their online publications, “interactive” digital magazines, because they are designed to live and compete in the interactive media world. This “world” includes the Internet, mobile phones, private networks, and other personal screens. A total of eight of these pioneering publishers participated in this study. It is the first ever to be done on interactive digital magazines that are successfully selling advertising, with no digital replicas of print magazines included. It is also the first study to compare reader use of interactive digital magazines to other online media. We were able to document what those pioneering publishers had found, a media that delivers advertising in a format far more interactive than any other medium. As marketers look for ways to more deeply engage customers in interactive experiences, this is an advertising medium whose time has come. ¢ The plethora of e-reader products now coming to market has sparked a new willingness to consider advertising in interactive magazines. These new product introductions have the potential to dramatically increase the number of digital magazine subscribers. But, will they? With every major technology company promoting an e-reader solution, all the big technology players are betting that they will. Apple’s iPad introduction, as well as new products from Microsoft, HP Google, Samsung, Sony, and dozens , of others, have many marketers suddenly revaluating the potential of digital magazines. But, years before these product announcements, a small group of visionary publishers saw this coming,

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Case for Advertising in Interactive Digital Magazines

Advertising in Interactive Digital Magazines
Why This Study is Important Right Now
What is an Interactive Digital Magazine?
The Results
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
In Conclusion
Research Methodology
About Nxtbook Media
About VIVmag
About Smarter Media Sales

The Case for Advertising in Interactive Digital Magazines