For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 4


his year cannot end soon enough for all of
us, that is without doubt. However, while I
have never been accused of being a cockeyed
optimist, I would like us to reflect on some of the
positives arising out of our navigation of the practice
of law during a global pandemic.
We have learned to be resourceful, resilient, and
efficient. And we have leaned on each other for
support when we have needed it.
Each of us has been affected by the closure of courts
and subsequent limitations put on litigation. But we
have learned we can practice effectively from home,
devoting attention to our clients' cases while also
spending bonus time with our families (and pets).
Personally, and perhaps selfishly, I will look back on
the " lock down " months with fond memories of
spending time with my wife and kids (and 4 out of the
5 cats). I have written in the past about perspective,
and I believe this past year has likely positively
affected each of our perspectives, and priorities, as to
work and family balances.
Technology has always conspired against me. It is
my greatest fear in a courtroom. While technology
and I will never be best friends, I have adapted to
using my home computer, laptop, and cell phone to
communicate with clients, prosecutors, and judges; to
research; and to write pleadings. I suspect I am not
alone there. Video conferencing will never replace
the necessity of human interaction in what we do,
but we should be thankful for it during times like
these. And the concept of the " Zoom Happy Hour "
was a nice novelty, while it lasted....

For The Defense l Vol. 5, Issue 4

Peter E. Kratsa, PACDL President

We have had to learn to do more with less, and in
the process have realized maybe we did not need
more after all. Whether we practice in a large or
small firm or as a solo practitioner, we have all
had to make sacrifices. Sometimes those sacrifices
include losing staff and colleagues, and I won't try
to put a positive spin on that. However, we have
also learned to be more efficient in our practices,
maybe not quite " paperless, " but definitely with
less paper. Maybe we did not really need all that
office space (and rent)? Maybe now the concept of
" working from home " isn't so foreign to us, and is
something we hope to maintain, at least to a certain
degree, after we get through the pandemic?
We have relied on each other for emotional and
practical support. I submit that PACDL has never
been more important to its members than this past
year in providing a digital lifeline for its members,
emotional support, and vital financial information. I
have also sensed enhanced collegiality between our
members and among those involved in the criminal
justice system. Apparently, even prosecutors'
perspectives can be positively affected by a national
crisis. Who knew?
So, as we eagerly kick 2020 to the curb, let's not
forget that these challenges made us better lawyers
and enhanced personal and familial relationships.
We should all carry what we have learned forward
into next year and beyond. Stay safe and stay
positive, my friends.













For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4

For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 1
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 2
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - Contents
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 4
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 5
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 6
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 7
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 8
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 9
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 10
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 11
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 12
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 13
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 14
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 15
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 16
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 17
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 18
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 19
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 20
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 21
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 22
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 23
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 24
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 25
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 26
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 27
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 28
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 29
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 30
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 31
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 32
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 33
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 34
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 35
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For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 38
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 39
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 40
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 41
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 42
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 43
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 44
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 45
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 46
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 47
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 48
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 49
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 50
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 51
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 4 - 52