For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 14

being able to trick others into believing they are smart.5
Since the time of this foundational study, decades of
research have demonstrated the existence of this concept
across genders, races, occupations, and cultures as well
as the persistence of this concept across generations,
as evidenced by studies in this area spanning over 40
years.6 7 8 9 10
The impostor phenomenon is best described by six
characteristics experienced in varying combinations:
* The impostor cycle;
* The need to be special or to be the very best;
* Superman/Superwoman aspects;
* Fear of failure;
* Denial of competence and discounting praise; and,
* Fear and guilt about success.11
This theoretical model helps us to understand the
suggested process by which someone could experience
this phenomenon and continue to experience it in a
cyclical pattern, i.e., the impostor cycle.12
to the proposed model, when presented with a
challenge or activity related to achievement, the person
experiences anxiety and self-doubt.13
This can result in
over-preparation or procrastination with last-minute
task completion. Once the task is completed, the person
experiences relief from the anxiety and stress and a brief
sense of accomplishment. Interestingly, although they
were able to effectively complete the task, the person with
impostor phenomenon will not associate the achievement
with talent or ability. Instead, successfully accomplishing
tasks is equated to extreme effort (to compensate for lack
of ability), or luck. Even though they may even receive
positive feedback about their accomplishment, this is
not internalized and otherwise outright discounted. This
self-concept remains and gets reinforced with the next
achievement related task and the cycle repeats.
Associated Symptoms
* Self-Esteem, Fear of Failure, and Negative SelfEvaluation
may be at a greater risk of developing
impostor phenomenon if they are prone to self-doubt or
lack self-esteem.14 15
that individuals with low self-esteem can be predisposed
to the impostor phenomenon, individuals with unstable
high-self-esteem were more likely to experience impostor
Moreover, those experiencing impostor
feelings report fear of failure and also provide negative
self-evaluations on their own performances.17 18
* Perfectionism, Procrastination, and Burnout
Impostor phenomenon is often associated with
perfectionism and procrastination, as well as feeling
more stress and burdened by work.19
Some studies have
14 For The Defense l Vol. 7, Issue 2
While such studies have demonstrated
suggested that those reporting burnout are more likely to
report symptoms associated with impostor phenomenon.
Compassion fatigue may also play a role in impostor
phenomenon.20 21
Individuals experiencing high levels
of compassion fatigue also reported high levels of the
impostor phenomenon; conversely, those experiencing
high levels of impostor phenomenon demonstrated low
levels of compassion satisfaction (i.e., feeling of joy and
fulfillment from helping others).22
* Anxiety, Depression, and Substance Abuse
Once an individual develops these inferior " impostor "
feelings, impostor phenomenon can lead to clinical
consequences. Clinically, individuals with impostor
phenomenon have demonstrated high levels of anxiety,
dysphoria, and unstable emotions.23
They are then
susceptible to developing depression and anxiety
In reference to attorneys, at least one study
found that depression is higher among lawyers than
the general population, and that lawyers suffer from
high levels of alcohol and cocaine abuse.25
As such,
the association with these symptoms and impostor
phenomenon is of particular relevance to understanding
this issue among legal professionals.
Clinical Conceptualization of Associated Symptoms
The literature suggests that those who are already
predisposed to having a negative self-view and fear
of failure may be also likely to develop the impostor
phenomenon. This makes sense given that those
experiencing such a phenomenon have a difficult time
believing in their abilities and possess a fear of being
exposed as truly incompetent. In turn, the individual may
be spurred to work harder, take on more, and seek to be
perfect in all that they do. Working at such a pace and
with this added stress can eventually lead to feelings of
burnout and compassion fatigue. As the individual with
impostor phenomenon faces these realizations, anxiety
and depression may develop and/or worsen, which could
in turn lead to maladaptive coping with alcohol, drugs,
or both.
Lawyers & Impostor Phenomenon
Attorneys, generally, can experience high levels of
In one study amongst
stress and mental health concerns which may put them at
risk for impostor phenomenon.26
attorneys, researchers found that those who reported
high overcommitment reported higher levels of general
demands, depression, and anxiety.27
Additional research
with law students found that one third of the students
reported symptoms of the impostor phenomenon, and
that the strongest predictors of impostor phenomenon
included high levels of procrastination, higher year in
the program, and being female.28
Further research has
demonstrated that Black attorneys may be especially

For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2

For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 1
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 2
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - Contents
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 4
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 5
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 6
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 7
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 8
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 9
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 10
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 11
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 12
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 13
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 14
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 15
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 16
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 17
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 18
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 19
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 20
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 21
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 22
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 23
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 24
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 25
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 26
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 27
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 28
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 29
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 30
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 31
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 32
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 33
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 34
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 35
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 36
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 37
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 38
For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 39
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For the Defense - Vol. 7, Issue 2 - 42