Package Design - January/February 2013 - 19
We had this misperception
that it was limited to luxury
goods. But probably only
5 to 10% of all counterfeiting
is in what we would consider
luxury goods.
— Dr. John Spink, profeSSor at the antiCounterfeiting anD proDuCt proteCtion
program at miChigan State univerSit y
“A redesign shouldn’t be the first weapon in a
brand owner’s arsenal if they’re having problems,”
says Delapine. Instead, he advises clients to keep
their package designs and add a covert feature,
such as a taggant in the ink, to establish a baseline
of how big a problem they have on their hands. But
if a rebranding is on the horizon, it can be the ideal
event to implement a track-and-trace plan. “Prior
to the rebranding, we could look at implementing
the covert feature first, to see how big the problem
is and then as we do the rebrand implement further technologies and solutions.”
Kodak commonly receives requests from brand
owners to design a covert taggant for specific locations on packaging, for example, directly on the
trademark, or in a particular layer of ink or varnish
on the trademark. “It’s a legal measure,” explains
Cutri, “that can help prosecute a diverter who tampers with a trademark.
“If you want to apply a covert mark, you might
do it across a logo, within a knock-out area, in a
certain ink color, or a flood coat within the varnish
covering the entire package,” he says. “You can
embed a covert mark in any area of your packaging
design where you’re laying some sort of ink on substrate, and you can do a combination of any of
these as a layered security.”
In this war of attrition, brand owners are only as
good as their line of attack to protect their products—and their loyal consumers. Cutri says: “It’s
not just the technology, not just the profile of the
track-and-trace, it’s the strategy deployed by the
brand owner in staying one step ahead of the
diverters and the counterfeiters.” PD
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Package Design - January/February 2013
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Package Design - January/February 2013
Package Design - January/February 2013
Editor's Letter
Front Panel
Sustainably Speaking
Converters Corner
Tracking Authenticity
Anti-Conterfeiting, Track-and-Trace Products
Great Expectations
Instant Gratification
In-House Printing Equipment and Supplies
Product Focus: Special Effects for Packaging
Index of Advertisers
Field Notes
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Intro
Package Design - January/February 2013 - BB1
Package Design - January/February 2013 - BB2
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Package Design - January/February 2013
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Cover2
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 1
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Contents
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 3
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Editor's Letter
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 5
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Front Panel
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 7
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Snapshots
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 9
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 10
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 10a
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 10b
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 11
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Sustainably Speaking
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 13
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Converters Corner
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 14a
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 14b
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 15
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Tracking Authenticity
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 17
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 18
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 19
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Anti-Conterfeiting, Track-and-Trace Products
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 21
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Great Expectations
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 23
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Instant Gratification
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 25
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 26
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 27
Package Design - January/February 2013 - In-House Printing Equipment and Supplies
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 29
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Product Focus: Special Effects for Packaging
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 31
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 32
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 33
Package Design - January/February 2013 - 34
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Index of Advertisers
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Field Notes
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Cover3
Package Design - January/February 2013 - Cover4