Package Design - December 2013 - 4
by Linda casey
Touching on
the Future
are is the time when my partner and I go to dinner where there isn't
one kid in the restaurant happily pecking away at a mobile device.
These children have become accustomed to the instant satisfaction
of technology and the ability of technology to flex to their individual wants
and needs.
The Teens and Technology 2013 study from the Pew Research Center
found that 78% of teens now have a cell phone, and almost half (47%) of
those own smartphones. It also found that three in four (74%) teens aged 12
to 17 say they access the Internet on cell phones, tablets and other mobile
devices at least occasionally.
This trend isn't limited to the high school set. Children from toddler to
tween can be seen toting tablets. During my interview for the "Say You, Say
Me" article on page 16, Geoff Bloom, art director at New England Confectionery Company, said that he had witnessed his 3-year-old try to use the
television as a touchscreen. Yes, at the mere age of three, young Bloom is
already comfortable with touch computing.
So it's no wonder that integrated mobile marketing plays a strong part in
two features in this issue: "Stars Rising" on page 22 and the aforementioned,
"Say You, Say Me," piece about designing for personalized packaging.
"Stars Rising," written by editorial advisory board member Bill Goodwin
and his wife Shawne, takes a look at toy and gift package design trends. In
the piece, the Goodwins note how technology is changing the concept of
"try me" in this vertical.
The use of integrated marketing features in packaging is a trend that
Package Design editors have been keeping an eye on and plan to explore
more in future issues. If you're doing great work with leveraging mobile
technology in your package designs, please reach out at linda.casey@ I'd love to learn more about your work.
Until then, thank you for reading and happy holidays,
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Package Design - December 2013
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Package Design - December 2013
Package Design - December 2013
Editor's Letter
Front Panel
Fulfilling a Tropical Fantasy
Say You, Say Me
Design Tech Products: Digital Printing and Finishing
Star Rising
Product Focus: Prototyping
Index of Advertisers
Field Notes
Package Design - December 2013 - Intro
Package Design - December 2013 - BB1
Package Design - December 2013 - BB2
Package Design - December 2013 - Package Design - December 2013
Package Design - December 2013 - Cover2
Package Design - December 2013 - 1
Package Design - December 2013 - Contents
Package Design - December 2013 - 3
Package Design - December 2013 - Editor's Letter
Package Design - December 2013 - 5
Package Design - December 2013 - Front Panel
Package Design - December 2013 - 7
Package Design - December 2013 - 8
Package Design - December 2013 - 9
Package Design - December 2013 - Snapshots
Package Design - December 2013 - 11
Package Design - December 2013 - 12
Package Design - December 2013 - 13
Package Design - December 2013 - Fulfilling a Tropical Fantasy
Package Design - December 2013 - 15
Package Design - December 2013 - Say You, Say Me
Package Design - December 2013 - 17
Package Design - December 2013 - Design Tech Products: Digital Printing and Finishing
Package Design - December 2013 - 19
Package Design - December 2013 - 20
Package Design - December 2013 - 21
Package Design - December 2013 - Star Rising
Package Design - December 2013 - 23
Package Design - December 2013 - 24
Package Design - December 2013 - Product Focus: Prototyping
Package Design - December 2013 - 26
Package Design - December 2013 - 27
Package Design - December 2013 - 28
Package Design - December 2013 - 29
Package Design - December 2013 - 30
Package Design - December 2013 - Index of Advertisers
Package Design - December 2013 - Field Notes
Package Design - December 2013 - Cover3
Package Design - December 2013 - Cover4