GALLERY TOTALIT Y OVER PATAGONIA Guillermo Abramson The large, curved area in the solar corona at lower left is a coronal mass ejection that was visible along with several bright solar prominences during the total solar eclipse of December 14, 2020. DETAILS: Canon T3i DSLR with 18-to270-mm zoom lens. Stack of 11 exposures ranging from ½50 to 1 second. QUADR ANTID FIREBALL Abhijit Patil A bright bolide streaks over a snowladen scene in Maine on the morning of January 3rd. DETAILS: Nikon D750 DSLR with 14-to-24-mm zoom lens at f/2.8. Total exposure: 20 seconds at ISO 800. Gallery showcases the finest astronomical images that our readers submit to us. Send your best shots to See Visit for more of our readers' astrophotos. 78 APRIL 2 021 * SK Y & TELESCOPE