OUT OF THE SHADOWS Long exposures reveal details on the lunar disk often overwhelmed by the beauty (and brightness) of the corona during a total solar eclipse. This image is a single 2½-second exposure recorded through a 90-mm Vixen refractor during the July 2, 2019 eclipse from Vicuña, Chile. SOLAR CHEMISTRY An array of bright emission lines in the solar atmosphere is revealed in the flash spectrum visible far from the solar limb at the final moments of totality as seen from Las Flores, Argentina, on July 2, 2019. The picture was recorded with a Nikon D800 DSLR camera and 300-mm lens fitted with a diffraction grating. sk yand tele scope .o r g * APRIL 2023 63 EARTHSHINE: FRED ESPENAK; FLASH SPECTRUM: ROBERT SLOBINShttps://skyandtelescope.org/