LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN Enhance every night under the stars with the right telescope accessories SKYPORTAL WIFI MODULE Navigate the sky and slew your telescope wirelessly with the SkyPortal mobile app for your smartphone or tablet. DEW PREVENTION Keep your optics clear and observe longer. From aluminum dew shields to integrated Dew Heater Rings and Smart DewHeater Controllers, there's a solution for any setup. POWERTANK LITHIUM PORTABLE BATTERIES Enjoy up to 17 hours of stargazing with our safe, reliable lithium batteries. EYEPIECES Complete your eyepiece collection and see your favorite celestial objects in a new way. CARRYING CASES AND BAGS Keep all your precious cargo protected with custom carrying cases and bags that fi t your telescope tube, accessories, and tripod perfectly. SMARTPHONE ADAPTERS Capture what you see in the eyepiece and instantly share the view with others. CELESTRON PREMIER SELECT DEALERS B&H Photo - 800.947.9970 - bhphotovideo.com High Point Scientifi c - 800.266.9590 - highpointscientifi c.com Optics Planet - 800.504.5897 - opticsplanet.com Astronomics - 800.422.7876 - astronomics.com OPT Telescopes - 800.483.6287 - optcorp.com Woodland Hills - 888.427.8766 - telescopes.net Adorama - 800.223.2500 - adorama.com Focus Camera - 800.221.0828 - focuscamera.com Agena AstroProducts - 562.215.4473 - agenaastro.comhttp://www.bhphotovideo.com http://www.astronomics.com http://www.adorama.com http://www.optcorp.com http://www.focuscamera.com http://www.opticsplanet.com http://www.telescopes.net http://www.agenaastro.com