Harnessing the power of your smartphone and patented sky recognition technology, the StarSense Explorer app guides you to celestial objects in real-time as you move the telescope. The StarSense Explorer family includes a wide array of telescopes and mounts- refractors, refl ectors, a 5 " Schmidt-Cassegrain, and tabletop and full-size Dobsonians. Simply choose the one that best fi ts your observing goals and budget, and you're ready for liftoff. StarSense Explorer LT 114AZ Newtonian StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ Refractor StarSense Explorer DX 5 " Schmidt-Cassegrain StarSense Explorer 150 mm Tabletop Dobsonian CELESTRON PREMIER SELECT DEALERS 4 B&H Photo - 800.947.9970 - bhphotovideo.com High Point Scientifi c - 800.266.9590 - highpointscientifi c.com Astronomics - 800.422.7876 - astronomics.com DECEMBER 2024 * SKY & TELESCOPE Woodland Hills - 888.427.8766 - telescopes.net Adorama - 800.223.2500 - adorama.com Mile High Astronomy - 877.279.5280 - milehighastro.com Focus Camera - 800.221.0828 - focuscamera.com Agena AstroProducts - 562.215.4473 - agenaastro.com StarSense Explorer 8 " Dobsonian StarSense Explorer 12 " Dobsonianhttp://www.bhphotovideo.com http://www.telescopes.net http://www.focuscamera.com http://www.adorama.com http://www.agenaastro.com http://www.astronomics.com http://www.milehighastro.com