M A R C H 2 0 0 9 V O L . 9 0 N O . 3 The International Journal of Film & Digital Production Techniques On Our Cover: Michael C. Hall portrays a justice-seeking serial killer in the television series Dexter, shot by Romeo Tirone. (Photo by Jim Fiscus, courtesy of Showtime.) Features 30 46 56 Cutting-Edge Camerawork Cinematographers from the TV series Dexter, Life on Mars, True Blood and The Unusuals analyze their strategies A Life Full of Miracles Robert F. Liu, ASC receives the ASC Career Achievement in Television Award 30 A Very Active Member Isidore Mankofsky, ASC reflects on his life’s work after receiving the Society’s Presidents Award Departments 8 10 12 18 64 68 72 80 81 82 83 84 Editor’s Note Letters Short Takes: Clap Your Brains Off Production Slate: Gomorrah Tokyo Sonata Post Focus: Alien Trespass Filmmaker’s Forum: Peter Sova, ASC 46 New Products & Services International Marketplace Classified Ads Ad Index Clubhouse News ASC Close-Up: Peter Wunstorf 56 V i s i t u s o n l i n e a t w w w. t h e a s c . c o mhttp://www.theasc.com