This summer CAPITAL will be volume-printing direct reduction and contact SUPER 8mm All you will have to do is supply us with 35mm or 16mm color or b&w original (plus a mixed magnetic track if you desire a sound print.) We will then be able to make: 1. 16mm reduction dupe negatives 2. 16mm internegatives 3. Super 8mm reduction negatives 4. Super 8mm optical sound transfers 5. Super 8mm magnetic sound transfers 6. Super 8mm optical sound prints 7. Super 8mm magnetic sound prints To do this, we will be utilizing the latest equipment produced by RCA, Hollywood Film Company, Acme and Bell and Howell. We think you will be pleased. Contact Sam Gale in Washington, FILM LABORATORIES INC, 470 E ST. S.W. iz WASHINGTON, D.C. 20024 ☆ PHONE (202) 347-1717 ☆ TELEX 89-2393 1998 N.E. 150TH STREET * N. MIAMI,FLA. 33161 ☆ PHONE(305)949-4252 TELEX 51-94^3 646 AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER, SEPTEMBER 1968