Again in 1968 -and for the tenth consecutive cameras were used by more winners* of the combined! Proof of Arriflex's popularity with of film making. And to its unique capabilities) * Arriflex cameras were used in 13 of the 1 5 award winning films. And during the past ten years Arriflex scored in 121 out of 158 awards! MAM Mill ■y ' fvv! conoratidadons ti these nriz Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. "A-M PROFESSIONAL SALESMAN" Producer/Director-Richard A. Paradise Aetna-Life & Casualty 'TEN LITTLE ENGINES" Producer-Malcolm M. Snyder Director-Robert A. Marchese British Columbia Forest Service Public Information & Education Div. "UP IN SMOKE" Producer/Director-Barbara Davies Douglas Aircraft Co. 'THE ENCHANTING SHORESOF SPAIN" Producer/Director-J. R. Gabrielson Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Diversified Products Divisions ''OUNCES OF PREVENTION" Producer/Director-Jack E. Gieck General Dynamics, Convair Div. 'THE MONSTER BUOY" Executive Producer-R. B. Montague Director-Betty Miller 652 AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER, SEPTEMBER 1968