a young producer small project turn to a Why should with a pfVE big outfit like Charles Ross? It's easy enough to figure out why leading producers trust us to satisfy their lighting needs. We're equipped for it. Grips, props, generators - we've got 'em all. From the biggest brute to the smallest inkie (and everything inbetween) - the most complete, comprehensive and contemporary range of lighting equipment in the East is conveniently located at Charles Ross. KOf hDIEI LKjnTNG BUSINESS HNOCR incredibly extensive selection only part of the story. Of equal imporĀ¬ tance is the wide-ranging seasoned expertise that comes from years of solving tough lighting problems, Yet our is We take a personal interest and a special pride in doing a terrific job on every job... regardless of size. And at a price you can live with. We're specialists designing lighting packages that give you the most in for your money. So we can honestly say that it will pay the youngest movie maker to turn to one of the oldest lighting companies in the business. you Try us and look! see how good GRIP The Light Source 333 West 52nd St., N.Y., N.Y. 10019 212/246-5470 Sole Distributors of Mole-Richardson Products in New York/New Jersey Area. 1228 AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER, DECEMBER, 1980