HOW TOUGH? GamColors and GamColor CineFilters - tough enough to take the heat on stage, on location, and in the studio. GamGolor Deep dyed fxjlyester color filters GamColor lasts longer than others because it is made of heat-resistant, scratch-resistant polyester - a material selected after rigorous testing for clarity and durability. It has a higher melting point than polycarbonate. It is a consistent .002" thick. The dyes used in GamColor are the purest available. GamColor is the filter proved best for long days, long runs and hot lights. Call The Great American Market for the name of GamColor. a dealer near you. Tough. f GamColor^ M/IV/I 4smu Deep dyed polyester color filters THE GREAT AMERICAN MARKET 826 N.COLE AVENUE GamColor is made in U.S.A. 213/461-0200 ยป HOLLYWOOD CA 90038 TWX 910 4941233 * FAX 213/461-4308