Opposite page: Cheryl Arutt and USC student Greg Ruzzin in day inte¬ rior with 10 to 1 key to fill light ratio. Technical Information Lens: Panavision 27 Iris mm Primo Setting: T 2.8 Camera: Panavision Platinum Format: 1.85:1 (From timed workprint) Oppo¬ Film Stock: Eastman Kodak 5247 Film Light Values (with incident light meter) 10:1 Key to fill ratio: From back wall towards window: 125 footcandles Highlight on Greg's knee: Cheryl's key: From Greg towards practical: 400 footcandles From couch towards 10 footcandles camera: site page, below: FredElmes Upper Rating: ASA 100 Practical: 75 Watt bulb left: The same Lights Used: 5 Juniors (2 K), 4 Seniors (5 K) Lighting provided by: Lee America West Sound Stage: USC Cinema School Processing and Workprint: De Luxe Lab Printing Lights: 35-39-17 (red, green, blue) scene with 5 to 1 key to fill ratio. (From timed workprint) Left: Overhead view of set. 100 footcandles 15 footcandles (with reflected light meter) Window highlight: Practical highlight: Highlight on back wall: Shadow on side wall: Cheryl's forehead: Cheryl's dark side: Highlight on Greg's face: Greg's dark side: 5 stops 21/2 stops +1/3 stop + + - at 3 stops key -1/2 stop + 11/3 stop -1 1/2 stop October 1989 Photos by Jasper Johal American Cinematographer 69