HAND HELD CAMERA STABILIZER Vistavision reflex with motor & video assist Fries Engineering, Inc. 12032 Vose Street Vidiflex 2 video assist & North 120M2 motor for Mitchell Phone 818-765-3600 The Action Tracker camera stabilizer is a FAX 818-765-6977 unique device that provides the professional cinematographer with very smooth and fluid like camera motion when using a hand held camera. Stable images can be achieved while panning, walking, running, and climbing. The image smoothness is similar to much more costly stabilization systems. Many shots such as those from horseback and rocking boats that are Fries Formatt Filters for film, video photography & still difficult to achieve with other stabilizers are Hollywood California 91605 mcr/ojv TRACKERk S35R/Mark II readily achieved with the Action pending. Tracker stabilizer. A patent is S£Z