FILM, SOUND and VIDEO-SYSTEM TRANSFER TABLES film to video with KemScope (hollowprism-system) and shrinkage-compensation. video sync, or gen. lock variable speed virtual image projection wide range of cameras * . . . FILM FORMATS: EDITING TABLE 16-Super 16 / 35-Super 35 / Cinemascope / Wide screen optical sound replay, With COMOPT * * transport with magnetic sound replay in single - or - multiĀ¬ . . * pre 4-/6-/8-plate available second track version * Beamsplitter and CCD-camera for transfer film to video * amplifier outputs video sync. gen. lock 16 or 35 1,5 V Cinch-sockets HEM 342 Madison Avenue .New York , NEW YORK NY 10 173 , INC. Suite 700, Phone (212) 661-6164, Fax (212) 661-2928