ACEC’s Annual Convention and Legislative Summit April 25–28, 2010 Grand Hyatt, Washington, D.C. Engineering America’s Recovery: FeatuRing the Capitol StepS Sunday, apRil 25 JENGINEERING INC. New Opportunities Opening ReceptiOn and dinneR oin ACEC at its Annual Convention and Legislative Summit in Washington, D.C., April 25–28, and help the Council promote its “New Recovery Agenda” to Congress. Don’t miss your chance to shape the direction of legislation affecting our economy and industry. The Convention also includes business management sessions designed to help your firm navigate through the challenging economic landscape. MaRCh / apRIl 2010 The Capitol Steps—the nationally famous satirical troupe of current and former Congressional staffers—returns to the Annual Convention for a hilarious, over-the-top performance on our national political scene.