f Ro M acec To YoU engineeringInc. The president Honors ACEC the oFFicial puBlication oF the american council oF engineering companies american council oF engineering companies Jeff m. Daggett cHaIRMan David A. Raymond PResIDenT T mary Ann Emely VIce PResIDenT, he cover picture on this magazine is worth a thousand words presi- oPeRaTIons dent George W. Bush addressing the ACEC Annual Convention. Steven Hall VIce PResIDenT, GoVeRnMenT affaIRs With the ACEC logo prominent behind him, the image of the Jeffrey L. Beard VIce PResIDenT, president was beamed on major TV and print media throughout the InsTITUTe foR bUsIness country and overseas. An ACEC member visiting Shanghai, China, viewed the ManaGeMenT Alan D. Crockett president at ACEC on Cnn. DIRecToR, coMMUnIcaTIons and MeDIa The president's speech called a tour de force, State of the Unionhttp://www.ACEC.org