engineeringInc. may/june 2008 ● Table of conTenTs Vol. 19, no. 3 25 FEATUrES A vErY big DEAL Strategic mergers and acquisitions can boost market share. 10 17 20 38 it’s ALL About AttituDE Involvement, communication are keys to improving workplace morale. brANDiNg with PowEr Firms realize the benefits of effective marketing. ACEC CoALitioN uPDAtEs Coalitions address risk management, GpS machine guidance, fee calculations. 20 COvEr STOry 2008 ENgiNEEriNg ExCELLENCE AwArDs Award winners reach new heights of engineering excellence. 25 10 2 LEgisLAtivE ACtioN 8 Budget resolutions seek to restore highway funds; H-1B visa legislation introduced; ACEC advocates for increased water funding. mEmbErs iN thE NEws 39 Thomas Z. Scarangello named chairman of Thornton Tomasetti; pB’s Adiele nwankwo named “One of the Most Important Blacks in Technology for 2008” by US Black Engineer & Information Technology. oNE oN oNE 44 Hanson CEO “Satch” pecori confronts market challenges, slowing economy, importance of advocacy. DEpArTMEnTS 8 From ACEC to You Engineering Excellence Awards: History in the making. NEws & NotEs 4 Member Firms make Fortune’s list of “Best Companies to Work For.” mArkEt wAtCh 6 Falling dollar turns United States into low-cost producer. Engineering Inc. promotes the advocacy and business interests of ACEC by offering news, legislative analysis and business practice information to member firms, clients, opinion leaders and policy makers. The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as doing so.