2008 EEA NATIONAL FINALISTS F ir m Na m e acec/alabama malcolm Pirnie ttl acec/arizoNa David evans and associates Holben, martin & White consulting Structural engineers Premier engineering corporation acec/arkaNSaS Garver engineers acec/coloraDo burns & mcDonnell FiGG m-e engineers merrick & company merrick & company merrick & company acec/coNNecticut Gibble Norden champion brown consulting engineers Pb acec/DelaWare Pennoni associates acec/FloriDa FiGG urS Washington Division acec/GeorGia brown and caldwell urS corporation uzun & case engineers acec/iDaHo cH2m Hill Project engineering consultants Welch comer & associates P ro ject N a m e Granular Activated Carbon Master Planning Project Cypress Point Low Distortion Projection Euclid Avenue/Park Avenue Bike/Ped Overpass Camelback Road Pedestrian Underpass Lighting Up the Big Dam Bridge Town of Erie—Lynn R. Morgan Water Treatment Plant Expansion Penobscot Narrows Bridge & Observatory Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve Visitor Center Large Animal Housing & Training Facility Spallation Neutron Source Target Hot Cell Conservation Planning Using Hyperspectral Science Adaptive Use of Wauregan Hotel Route 15 Bridge Over the Housatonic River (Sikorsky Bridge) Market Street Renovation Project I-280 Veteran’s Glass City Skyway Double Track Bridge Over the New River Custer Avenue East CSO Storage Facility Peachtree Road Corridor Gwinnett Environmental & Heritage Center US 95: Setters to Bellgrove Happy Valley and Amity Roundabout Gozzer Ranch Wastewater Treatment & Effluent Reuse System Veterans Memorial Tollway— Des Plaines River Valley Bridge FAI 80/94 (Kingery/Borman Expressway) Reconstruction of the South Tri-State Tollway Bioswales for Stormwater/Water Quality Benefit I-294 Open Road Tolling Plaza 66 DeKalb & Plaza 69 Dixon I-355 South Extension Thornton Tomasetti of New York City was a 2008 EEA National Finalist Fifor The New York Times rm Name headquarters building in Manhattan. Proj ec t Name acec/iNDiaNa applied engineering Services Natural concepts Water Quality engineering/american Structurepoint acec/ioWa mSa Professional Services acec/keNtucky FFeb jV Fuller, mossbarger, Scott & may engineers GrW aerial Surveys Pb americas acec/maiNe Haley & aldrich acec/marylaND George, miles & buhr/kci technologies rummel, klepper & kahl and corman construction rummel, klepper & kahl and corman construction Sidhu associates Whitman requardt and associates Plant 1 Expansion, Knauf Insulation Bradford Woods Wastewater Treatment System Replacement Project Alternative Wastewater Systems Design Guidance A Joint Venture Getting Up to Speed in the Big Easy Manchester Goes Green: A Landfill for the Ages AMP-Ohio Hydroelectric Projects I-64 Riverside Expressway “Restore 64” Non-Stop Shopping Mattawoman Wastewater Treatment Plant—Upgrade for Enhanced Nutrient Removal (ENR) Frederick Douglass Bridge Over Anacostia River Swan Point Wastewater Pumping, Water Reclamation Facilities Telemetry/Alarm Control Instrumentation for Water Distribution System New Design Water Transmission System acec/illiNoiS earth tech eNtraN Hanson Professional Services Huff & Huff Strand associates V3 companies of illinois MAY / JUNE 2008 ENGINEERING INC. 33