ACEC Executive Committee Members Focus on Market Challenges What do you believe is the most significant market challenge facing ACEC member firms? Multiple Challenges Facing Industry M any challenges confront our industry today some old, some new but they require ACEC to maintain a proactive posture in our relations with government and the private sector. Educating lawmakers on the nation's critical infrastructure needs in trans- portation, water and energy and pressing them to allocate the resources necessary to address those needs represents perhaps the most crucial continuing challenge facing the engineering indus- try. Infrastructure is the backbone of our economic strength and quality of life, and we must see to it that our fellow citizens and elected officials appreciate this. Other challenges facing our industry include: sustainable development approaches to enhance both quality of life and economic growth; protecting Qualifica- tions-Based Selection and ensuring reasonable expectations on standard of care; and navigating our way successfully through the new project delivery systems. Ed Mulcahy Chairman, ACEC Turn the page for the Top 10 Challenges July l August 2005 ENGINEERING INC. 2 7