The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - 220
Wade G. Livingston • David A. Scott • S. Bryan Rush • Lance A. Watson •
Michael L. Neiduski • Steven J. Pinkenburg
While conflict mediation and
restorative justice offer alternative
resolution mechanisms, some
conduct cases involving students
with invisible disabilities are more
serious and should be resolved
through educationally based
discipline procedures.
as another facet of social justice. Creating an
inclusive campus climate is vital when one considers that students with invisible disabilities
may be less likely to report negative situations
and to seek help and accommodations, and they
may have lower self-esteem when they perceive
that their environment is ignorant or intolerant of disability (Hartman-Hall & Haaga, 2002;
May & Stone, 2010).
Some approaches to dispute resolution,
including restorative justice and conflict mediation, incorporate elements of teaming in
that multiple parties may be involved in these
alternatives to formal conduct hearings. The
value of both restorative justice and conflict
mediation interventions is found in participant
dialogue, the search for common ground, and
the principle of repairing harm to individuals
and the community through the engagement
of multiple constituents (Zehr, 2002). The
dialogue offers all participants, with or without
invisible disabilities, a chance to see how their
behavior impacts each other and their residential community. Educators should be cautioned, however, that it is not appropriate to
betray students’ confidentiality and reveal the
existence of an invisible disability, particularly
if the incident was not related to a student’s
disability. Rather, the mediation or restorative
justice session should be conducted in a safe
manner within the community where the incident occurred so that it can enable productive
dialogue. An added benefit to these practices is
that participation may preclude a policy violation, which lessens anxiety, fosters productive
conversation, and helps all participants evaluate future scenarios.
While conflict mediation and restorative
justice offer alternative resolution mechanisms, some conduct cases involving students
with invisible disabilities are more serious
and should be resolved through educationally based discipline procedures. First and
foremost, students’ safety should be the paramount concern. In a worst case scenario, students with invisible disabilities may pose a
threat to themselves or other students in the
residential community. Accordingly, educators
must work quickly to evaluate threats and take
action. If, for example, a student with an invisible disability must be relocated to a different residence hall, educators must follow their
process consistently and ensure the student’s
legally afforded accommodations. Beyond the
legal accommodations and conduct process
policy, educators should consider factors that
augment student success, such as proximity
to academic buildings and support services
offices, as well as unique features of the residential community (physical layout of the residence hall; 24-hour quiet hours; cohabitation
formats such as apartment-style, suite-style, or
individual dwellings). While some students’
invisible disabilities are known at the time
The JourNal of College aNd uNiVersiTy sTudeNT housiNg
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1
Volume 39, No. 2 Table of Contents
Letter from the Editor
Factors That Play a Role in First-Year Students’ On-Campus Housing Decisions
Influence of Academically Based Living-Learning Communities on Men’s Awareness of and Appreciation for Diversity
Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Resident Assistants’ Intention to Refer Students to Counseling
Parental Notification of Alcohol or Drug-Related Violations: Parents’ Perceptions and Reactions to the Practice
Counselor, Teacher, Role Model, Cop: Understanding RA Satisfaction Through the Use of Metaphor
Living and Learning in College
The Past, Present, and Future of Residential Colleges: Looking Back at S. Stewart Gordon’s “Living and Learning in College”
The Journal of College and University Student Housing Volume 40, No. 1 – Addressing the Needs of Residential City University, Students with Disabilities Theme Issue
Volume 40, No. 1 Table of Contents
Introduction - Addressing the Needs of Residential Students with Disabilities
Service, Comfort, or Emotional Support? The Evolution of Disability Law and Campus Housing
Implementing Universal Design: A Collaborative Approach to Designing Campus Housing
Supporting Students with Severe Physical Disabilities: The Illinois Model
College Students with Intellectual Disabilities: How Are They Faring?
A Collaborative Support Model for Students on the Autism Spectrum in College and University Housing
When Community and Conduct Collide: Residents with Invisible Disabilities and the Student Conduct Process
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Volume 39, No. 2 Table of Contents
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Letter from the Editor
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Factors That Play a Role in First-Year Students’ On-Campus Housing Decisions
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Influence of Academically Based Living-Learning Communities on Men’s Awareness of and Appreciation for Diversity
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Resident Assistants’ Intention to Refer Students to Counseling
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Parental Notification of Alcohol or Drug-Related Violations: Parents’ Perceptions and Reactions to the Practice
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Counselor, Teacher, Role Model, Cop: Understanding RA Satisfaction Through the Use of Metaphor
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Living and Learning in College
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - The Past, Present, and Future of Residential Colleges: Looking Back at S. Stewart Gordon’s “Living and Learning in College”
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Volume 40, No. 1 Table of Contents
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Introduction - Addressing the Needs of Residential Students with Disabilities
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Service, Comfort, or Emotional Support? The Evolution of Disability Law and Campus Housing
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Implementing Universal Design: A Collaborative Approach to Designing Campus Housing
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Supporting Students with Severe Physical Disabilities: The Illinois Model
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - College Students with Intellectual Disabilities: How Are They Faring?
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - A Collaborative Support Model for Students on the Autism Spectrum in College and University Housing
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - When Community and Conduct Collide: Residents with Invisible Disabilities and the Student Conduct Process
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