Just in By The nUMBers 343 Number of colleges and universities that are chapter members of the Student Veterans of America 12 Talking STick According to the 2010 National Survey of Student Engagement, freshman and senior student veterans often feel a lack of engagement and connectedness to their campuses. With less faculty interaction and a perceived lack of support, these individuals often experience a difficult transition into life as a college student. Many colleges and universities have addressed this issue by becoming chapter members of the Student Veterans of America. In this role, institutions establish student veterans groups on campuses to help create a warm, positive environment for veterans. From coordinating campus activities to providing networking opportunities, these groups are influential in helping student veterans adjust to their new environment while also achieving academic success. To learn more about the Student Veterans of America and its chapter members, visit www. studentveterans.org.http://www.studentveterans.org http://www.studentveterans.org