res liFe Build Today to Benefit Tomorrow By Gavin Roark Creating and maintaining vendor relationships is an important part of professional development. Professional development has many forms, from presenting at conferences and participating on committees to conducting research and publishing articles in the field. Another often unrecognized side of professional development is connecting to and creating relationships with companies that serve the student housing profession. Relationships with vendors are generally personal and longstanding, and because they are so crucial, they should be strengthened both on and off campus. 16 TalkiNg STick These relationships are often created and maintained at conferences, where exhibitors are assigned booths or spaces in a large hall where they set up their displays and then meet and greet the attendees during specific exhibit hours. In addition, exhibitors often present program sessions during the conference, as they do for ACUHO-I's annual conference and exposition. Some may feel there is no need to visit the exhibitor areas unless they are directly involved in purchasing,