res liFe most interested in. Exhibitors are representatives of the services and products provided by their companies; they are they experts on what they can offer to meet your needs. For example, let's say that your institution wants to purchase residence hall room furniture that is made out of wood because it is so durable and attractive. The vendor can offer information about alternatives such as furniture with laminated surfaces that, in addition to looking like wood, has the advantage of being more scratch- and chemical-resistant and is thus likely to last longer Campus Connections Easy steps to connect with vendors on your campus: Develop a program to help connect your current staff with the companies that serve your students. The next time you need a new product or service, reach out to those who serve professional organizations for student housing. Take advantage of the webinars and additional support opportunities offered by the companies that serve your campus. Take time to meet and connect with new vendors traveling through your area. in student rooms. In fact, many exhibitors also see themselves as educators, able and willing to provide information about anything from the most durable but eco-friendly furniture to use in lounge spaces to the most appropriate software for roommate matching. In addition, they contribute to the relationship in ways that help to support departmental and institutional goals. In their chapter "Furnishings and Amenities" in ACUHO-I's recently published Campus Housing Management: Facilities Construction and Management, Michael Schultz and Branan Woodham describe the relationship as a partnership that involves a balanced exchange of information: "While the sales coNTINues ompetitive Cost C to removal with landfill programs 18 TalkiNg STick 51