By Mary c. Jordan Mind over MaTTer Making The sPiriTUaliTy connecTion in residence life PrograMs a s problems related to college students' behavioral health and decision making seem to require more attention than ever, residence hall initiatives addressing the exploration of spirituality have also been on the rise - and for good reason. A study released in 2008 from the University of California at Berkeley found that meditation not only lowers stress but also supports forgiveness among college students. A 2009 study, "Spiritual Well-Being and Suicide Ideation Among College Students," from the University of Florida in Gainesville and published in the Journal of American College Health, established a connection between college students' spirituality and overall mental health and found that students with greater spiritual and existential well being experience lower rates of suicidal ideation: "The current generation of students can expect to live and work in a complex and stressful world. Their capacity to find meaning in the face of ambiguity, uncertainty, change, and - in particular - dislocating challenges may determine the quality of their lives and their contributions to the world." November + December 2013 37