SPEEDQUEEN INNOVATIVE EQUIPMENT FOR HIGHER EDUCATION. If anyone can appreciate the revolutionar y technology of Speed Queen ® equipment, it's today's tech-sav v y college and university students. They'll enjoy user-friendly Quantum ® Controls, which offer many convenient cycle and payment options. T h e y ' l l l ove a d v a n c e d f e a t u r e s l i ke Wa s h A l e r t ™ w i t h S e r v i c e A l e r t , w h i c h a l l ow t h e m to a c c e s s c yc l e s t a t u s a n d machine availability online and receive email or text notifications when their wash or dry is complete. And while they're e njoyin g Sp e e d Q u e e n in n ovatio ns , yo u c a n ba n k o n minima l o p e r atin g c os t s , re d u c e d downtim e th ro u gh feature s like automatic ser vice notification, and the support of a network of knowledgeable laundr y ser vice providers. See how Speed Queen innovations can save you money by requesting a free utility cost analysis at SpeedQueen.com/CostAnalysis.http://www.SpeedQueen.com/CostAnalysis