- E N I NG ACUHO L I NE L AR N IO C E RT ACUHO-I online learning programs provide you with valuable professional development experiences that are flexible enough to fit your schedule and your budget. Each program includes practical learning activities that utilize adult learning principles. Throughout the self-paced process you will draw from your real-world experiences and apply what you learn to your work at your home campus or institution. Take advantage of our recently enhanced online learning system, and watch for information about new courses and programs as we continue to add to our portfolio. I F I C AT E I N HOUSING ASSESSMENT O N L I N E CO U R S E C E RT I F I C AT E I N CY OMCACNUA GPEAMN ENT ONLINE COURSE ROJECT PMANAGEMENT ONLINE COURSE STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH Visit acuho-i.org/onlinelearning to find the opportunities that fit best with your career path and professional development plan and enroll today. Learn more and enroll at acuho-i.org/onlinelearning ARCHITECTUREhttp://www.acuho-i.org/onlinelearning http://www.acuho-i.org/onlinelearning