MARCH + APRIL 2016 VOLUME 33, NUMBER 4 DEPARTMENTS 10 Just In 18 20 22 Calendar 56 Conversations 60 61 63 64 First Takes 28 Spotlight on Central Oregon Community College plus research that validates the "always on call" feeling; an app that assists staff with sick students; rounding up the latest on hoverboards; UMass expands options in their move-in app; an Ohio State RA brings Harry Potter to work; new counselors at Southern Illinois are making a difference; students enjoy five-star accommodations in New Zealand; and ask the librarian. PHOTO COURTESY OF NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY COLUMNS 8 Vision Human Resources 24 Human Resources Inclusive Living By Shaun Crisler Facilities Response Time By David Sagaser and Kendra Bumpus Read how better training and better communication between RA and facilities staff make late-night building emergencies smooth sailing. 4 28 TALKING STICK Living and working where you feel accepted makes a positive difference for the individual and the community. 32 Fiscal Resources Staying on Track By Verdaynea Eason See how you can avoid the bumps in the construction or renovation road. Your ACUHO-I Transitions Let's talk about terminal degrees. Around Student Affairs New Members Snapshot Meet Joe Belter.