February 2007 www.thecolumn.eu.com The Column Contents Contents 6 News A
prize imaging detector, a trade-in programme for thermal desorption
systems and the dating of a painting back to the Renaissance period are
amongst the stories featured this month. 10 Zosimus In this issue Zosimus
voices complaints about the difficulties associated with connecting column
fittings to instruments. 12 Market Trends and Analysis Glenn Cudiamat
reports on one of the most dynamic markets in the analytical science
industry — HPLC. 14 Biodiesel — The Alternative Fuel Zoe Grosser and
David Armstrong PerkinElmer Life & Analytical Sciences, Shelton,
Connecticut, USA. 18 Biodiesel FAME Analysis by FT-IR Mike Bradley Thermo
Fisher Scientific, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. 23 Tips and Tricks: GPC/SEC
How to find the optimum sample concentration and injection volume for
GPC/SEC instruments. 24 Q&A Self-confessed elder statesman of separation
science, Peter Myers, reveals all about his past in the subject and
enthuses about his new project at Liverpool University. 3
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Column - February 2007