Conference Focus Areas NAVIGATING CURRENT CHALLENGES Gain peer perspective and expert insights into high-impact developments across the sector. PREPARING FOR EFFECTIVENESS Renew your focus on governance as a strategy for meeting new challenges. CHAMPIONING SOCIAL JUSTICE Make your institution a bastion for diversity, equity, and inclusion by how you operate. ENSURING LONG-TERM VIABILITY Learn how other institutions are evolving their business models and strategies. BUILDING TEAMS FOR LEADERSHIP Create and sustain a healthy working relationship between your president and your board. DELIVERING CHANGE Empower your board to act as an essential difference maker. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRUSTEESHIP APRIL 12-14, 2022 * VIRTUAL CONFERENCE Register now. Register by December 20, 2021, to secure early bird pricing. Group rates are available (minimum of five enrollees). Strategic governing boards and institutional executives have found their way through a period of turbulent upheaval. Now, the focus returns to chronic challenges as the AGB community also considers the risks and opportunities that lie BEYOND DISRUPTION.