2023 BOOTH REGISTRATION IS OPEN FEB 1-3 | HOUSTON, TEXAS This is where deals happen - register to sponsor and exhibit at NAPE Summit today. DO YOU WANT A PRIME BOOTH LOCATION IN 2023? Sponsorship at NAPE Summit is the best way to secure prime real estate on our buzzing expo floor. The sooner you reserve your exhibit space, the better chance you have of being close to the action! Don't forget to enhance your NAPE presence and experience by purchasing advertising in next year's materials. HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR EXHIBIT SPACE? LOOKING TO UPGRADE YOUR BOOTH SIZE? CONSIDERING A SPONSORSHIP? Contact our business development and exhibit sales team. JENNIFER TAYLOR SAMANTHA SHARP Business Development Mgr. jtaylor@NAPEexpo.com (817) 484-3615 Business Development Rep. samantha@NAPEexpo.com (817) 231-4565 DONDRIA ROOZEE Exhibit Sales Rep. droozee@NAPEexpo.com (817) 231-4567 FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT NAPEEXPO.COMhttp://www.NAPEEXPO.COM