January 19, 2023 THE POST OAK AT UPTOWN HOUSTON Our 29th CAPITAL MARKETS COMMITTEE CHAIR | DAVID BAGGETT FOUNDER AND MANAGING PARTNER, OPPORTUNE LLP Private Capital Conference This event seeks to help U.S. oil and natural gas operators determine how they can approach different providers to meet their needs. We will examine who has capital to invest, how the rules have changed for companies seeking capital and discuss evolving industry trends that affect capital providers and capital seekers alike. Featured Sessions Include: Industry Overview of Producers and Private Capital Changing Landscape of Private Equity Capital Providers Changing Landscape of Commercial Energy Lenders Changing Landscape of Non-Traditional Energy Lenders Changing Landscape of Hedge Providers Luncheon with Keynote Speaker Annual Event! REGISTER BY VISITING ipaa.org/events CONFERENCE CHAIR Buddy Clark Partner and Co-Chair of the Energy Practice Group Haynes and Boone, LLP SPONSORSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE AND SELL QUICKLY! Contact Nikki Thomas nthomas@ipaa.org 202-857-4742 INDEPENDENT PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA THANK YOU TO OUR PREMIER SPONSORShttp://www.ipaa.org/events