CFI NEWS and aerospace sectors expressed support for the creation of the NCAA in a letter to the committee. Learn more. NTSB WARNING ISSUED FOR CIRRUS OWNERS The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has released an Aviation Investigation Report (AIR-22-04) urging Cirrus Aircraft and the FAA to address safety issues identified in investigations involving Cirrus SR22Ts in which an excessive fuel condition led to a loss of engine power during the takeoff climb. Read the article. FAA APPOINTED ACTING ADMINISTRATOR In April, the FAA appointed Billy Nolen to acting FAA Administrator. Nolen has a long history in executive roles supporting airline safety. Read about his appointment. FAA RELEASES NEW MAPS FOR ALASKA'S BROOKS RANGE The FAA, in collaboration with the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) and Alaskan aviation groups, worked for two years to identify and incorporate information about mountain passes used by local pilots. Further changes to improve situational awareness while navigating in the mountains are still under development. Learn more. AOPA SUPPORTS BASICMED EXPANSION AOPA supports the FAA's proposal to expand BasicMed for those who want to serve as safety pilots and to change medical certificate requirements for individuals completing medical flight tests. The changes would alleviate confusion and burdens for individuals operating under BasicMed and those obtaining medical flight tests. The proposal would allow pilots who operate under BasicMed to serve as a required pilot flight crewmember when not acting as pilot in command, and to allow individuals to receive medical flight tests while not holding a medical certificate. AOPA also supports removing the requirement for pilots receiving a medical flight test to hold a medical certificate. AOPA also recommended the FAA allow designated pilot examiners (DPEs) to perform exams while using BasicMed. Learn more. FAA LAUNCHES GENERAL AVIATION SAFETY OUTREACH INITIATIVE The initiative intends to increase the general aviation community's awareness of safety management practices that could elevate the industry's overall safety performance. Learn more. Download the Safety Management Systems brochure. Watch the video that describes how the FAA's SMS Voluntary Program can benefit the GA community. Learn more about joining the SMS Voluntary Program. Join the AOPA Pilot Community-Become a member today Did you know AOPA is part of the General Aviation Joint Steering Committee? Many of the news articles in this section speak of general aviation industry and safety advances that AOPA is deeply involved in. Let's move the needle together to support general aviation growth, innovation, and safety. Already an AOPA member? Please log in for an enhanced experience at