CFI NOTES TABLE OF CONTENTS From the Editor: Discover the Backcountry BY MACHTELD SMITH You Are Cleared For...: What It Means in the Training Environment BY JASON BLAIR Safety Webinars: Hone Your Skills-Be Well-Informed NTSB Accident Investigation: Finding the Golden BB ASI Message: Lessons Learned-It Works if We Change Our Behavior BY RICHARD G. MCSPADDEN, JR. CFI News CFI Tips: Making a List-Checking It Twice BY KATHLEEN VASCONCELOS Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs BY ASI STAFF There I was...: Trouble During a Training Flight BY ASI STAFF Chart Challenge: Sectional vs TAC BY MACHTELD SMITH CFI's Point of View: Caught in a Crosswind BY ED HELMICK From the ASI Archives: Stall/Spin-Classic Facts and Myths BY ASI STAFF You Can Fly: 4 Things You Didn't Know About AOPA's Flight Training Advantage BY CHRIS MOSER Safety Quiz: Density Altitude CFI Tools: VFR Into IMC-An Insidious Trap BY MACHTELD SMITH Chief's Corner: Graduations BY JOHN COLLINS ASI Safety Tip: Marshalling Signals Want to Subscribe to CFItoCFI? Click on the " Subscribe " button in the upper toolbar or go to: Once you're logged in, go to your account and select " Manage Preferences " to subscribe. If you have not yet registered with the AOPA website, you can create a free account to opt in. NOTES QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, SUBMISSION? Send a note to Thanks! BROWSE THE PREVIOUS ISSUE: VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 DOWNLOAD THIS ISSUE: Click on the " Save " button in the upper toolbar to save the issue for review at a later time. SUBMIT AN ARTICLE: CFI to CFI will consider unsolicited submissions. All manuscripts and contributions should be sent to Reasonable care will be taken in handling manuscripts, but the newsletter assumes no responsibility for material submitted. IS THERE A TOPIC YOU'D LIKE TO SEE COVERED IN THIS NEWSLETTER? We love to hear from you. Email your suggestion to Thanks for participating!