APRIL2011 VOLUME 54 | NUMBER 4 | www.aopa.org/pilot COMMENTARY 4 22 President’s Position Elections matter. Letters The ‘Meaning’ of Aviation. 26 28 Waypoints Always learning. Proficient Pilot Weird birds. 30 Safety Pilot How much data should we collect? 32 34 License to Learn The cost of learning to fly. Pilot Counsel FAA suspends its expunction policy. 36 Fly Well A broken record. DEPARTMENTS 6 10 Hangar Talk The story behind the story. AOPA Media Stories with enhanced content. 12 AOPA Action NextGen and AIP funding, but no user fees, in president’s budget. 38 1 02 1 06 07 1 1 12 Never Again Daddy’s little girl. Fly Outs Hangar Hotel. Fly by wire Index of advertisers. Pilots David Shaffer. Pilot Briefing GAMA: Things are looking up. AOPA PILOT • 2 • MAY 2009 APRIL 2011http://www.aopa.org/pilot