AOPA PILOT CONTENTS November 2012 32 SECTIONS PROFICIENCY & EFFICIENCY 74 Technique 10 ways to die. 77 Ownership Buckle up. 82 Never Again A loud bang. 86 Flying Clubs PILOT BRIEFING 28 Restless Wildcat Waiting to Fly Again Rescued after 48 years. Warriors to Wings. 88 Wx Watch Deadly droplets. 30 People Peter Heller. MEMBERSHIP NEWS & NOTES 94 Membership You’ll drive away happy. 32 Test Pilot 77 COMMENTARY 4 President’s Position Looking West. Stall speeds. 96 Member Products AOPA membership drive. 34 Pilot Products Brightline bags. 98 Pilot Protection Services Seeing colors. 36 Milestones Returning to the scene. 100 State and Local Action Beyond the pavement. 38 Youth Teen restores prize-winning airplane. 102 AOPA Foundation The $60,000 challenge. DEPARTMENTS 10 Visual Approach Final fly-by. 104 AOPA Insurance Services The name game. 16 Waypoints Cub encounters. 12 Letters Safety Pilot Landmark Accident: Pointing Fingers. 18 Proficient Pilot J–3 heresy. 107 Fly by Wire Index of advertisers. 20 Safety Pilot An airline of one. 112 Pilots Dana Holladay and Meredith Tcherniavsky. 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE PIPER CUB. 22 License to Learn That’s how real it feels. 24 Pilot Counsel Freedom to fly. 26 Fly Well Who will pay the Piper? The iconic little yellow Cub marks seventy-five years with a celebration this month and we honor one of our favorite aircraft with a series of stories on the Cub. Look for this icon throughout the issue for special stories with a Piper perspective. Cover illustration by Mike Kline. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER. Contact us at 800-USA-AOPA (872-2672) 2 | AOPA PILOT November 2012