PROFICIENCY & EFFICIENCY 74 TECHNIQUE 77 OWNERSHIP 82 NEVER AGAIN 86 FLYING CLUBS 88 WX WATCH 10 ways to die Here’s how pilots are killing themselves B Y A LTO N K . M A R S H 74 | AOPA PILOT November 2012 245 ON THE The number of fatal general aviation accidents in 2010 —22nd Joseph T. Nall Report REAL PILOT STORIES Hear true accounts of good flights gone bad (www.asf/ pilotstories/index.html). WEB AFTER REVIEWING ACCIDENTS and seeing common themes emerge, aviation medical examiner and CFI Bruce Chien—a medical doctor—has proposed 10 common causes for aircraft getting in trouble. Chien has discussed with FAA officials his belief that requiring new pilots to learn such trends might prevent a large number of accidents that result from pilot error. He has suggested that pilot applicants be required to show knowledge of common accident causes during the oral portion of their test. Chien works full-time on the FAA’s most difficult medical cases—the ones that take a final determination from FAA headquarters. He has also served on the AOPA Board of Aviation Medical Advisors. Here’s his list. See if you agree. MIKE FIZER