@anthonyoshinuga Anthony Oshinuga You're looking at the future of the airshow circuit. Anthony Oshinuga has the airplane, drive, and-most importantly-the great personality to make it big entertaining audiences in his classic red Pitts. Many of his page's photos show the airplane, whether staging it in anticipation of Oshinuga's competition at the National Championship Air Races in Reno, or working on his inverted spins. The California native is starting to branch out of regional shows to events as far as Alaska, where he said this summer he will become the first black pilot to perform in the Arctic. He loves to reach people on Instagram who don't know anything about aviation. And he speaks often about opportunities in aviation to youth groups, such as this crew from a YMCA in San Diego (top left). "I just try to be unique," he said. 72 | AOPA PILOT August 2018